JOHN J PRESLEY (UK), Blues Garage Folk


Date : October 1, 2016

Début : 22:00

Style : ,

“If Bukowski was to join a band of our time I think it’d be this one. The vocals remind you of Tom Waits or Johnny Cash, while the guitars have the same drive, as Jack White’s or the Black Keys do, only much dirtier. Plus there is a very strong folk element to it, which makes it just that much more intriguing and a bit poetic, whilst never losing its energy. The kind of music you imagine Jack White would cream his pants over.” MusicNTing Blog

“…a ferocious, belly-deep sound, but somehow tender with it.” The Guardian

“…a beautiful noise that at once grips and beguiles, as befits a natural-born storyteller.” The Quietus

“The bluesy rock ‘n’ rollers’ new track is a recklessly fuzzy garage tune.” The Independent

“…a searing, soulful touch, an oasis of calm amid the torrent of noise” The Times